Stocks Perform Better When Inflation Falls

The US equity market is in the grip of a brutal bear. The summer rally seems long ago and may have pulled additional investors who though the bear market was over. Inflation is still raging and the Federal Reserve has made it clear that they will not rest until soaring inflation is tamed. This week’s …

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Bull vs. Bear Market in Canadian Stocks 1924 To 2021: Chart

Canada’s benchmark S&P/TSX Composite Index down 13% so far this year. The S&P 500 on the other hand is in a bear market with a decline of over 22%. Booming commodity markets especially oil earlier in the year benefitted Canada. It remains to be seen if the TSX Composite holds up well thru the end …

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Prescription Drug Spending in the US: Infographic

Spring on Prescription Drugs has been increasing exponentially in the past few decades according to research by Peter G. Peterson Foundation. It can argued that though other developed countries are able to procure prescription drugs at cheaper prices, the US case is different in the sense that many factors that apply in other countries are …

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Why Investors Should Stay Invested During Bear Markets

The US equity market is in a bear market this year. The S&P 500 is down about 19% year-to-date. After a few months of relentless declines, stocks saw a brief run up during the summer. That brief bull run seems to have ended and equities are heading in the downward direction again. The Federal Reserve …

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Cumulative Central Bank Balance Sheets: Chart

The balance sheets of major global central banks have ballooned in the past few years as they continue to borrow to keep the economy growing. One of the reasons for the soaring inflation can be attributed to this relentless money printing. The following is a brief excerpt from an interesting piece I came across recently: …

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