The World’s Top 100 Non-Financial MNEs Ranked by Foreign Assets in 2022

The World Investment Report 2023 was published by the UN’s UNCTAD agency a while ago. This report contains a wealth of information for anyone interested in the flow of funds between countries. One topic that I have wrote about from this report is the top non-financial companies. It is fascinating to analyze the these top …

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Key Suppliers of Apple’s iPhone 15: Infographic

Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone 15 is made up hundreds of components. Apple does not make all those components. Instead suppliers around the world supply those parts and Apple sells the final product to the public. In the past I have written about the costs involved for the various components that go into an iPhone. Recently I …

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On the Correlation between Recessions and U.S. Equity Market Performance

Equity markets tend to perform well when the economy is in expansion mode. Similarly when the economy is in recessions markets decline. While in the long-term stocks have gone up that is not the case in the short term as measured by a few months or years. For instance, US equity markets plunged substantially over …

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The Top 10 Global Companies in Renewable Energy Projects between 2015 and 2022

The Renewable Energy is one of the fast growing industries in the world. As many countries try to move away from fossil fuels and raise their green industry credentials, they are allocating more funds to drive growth. Until last year renewable industry was hot and as a result investors were bidding up renewable stocks. This …

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