Higher crude oil prices is a good thing for Mexico.Besides Mexico has always had a few dominant companies that monopolized their industry and make profits year over year.
So in order to invest in Mexico, an investor has many choices such as buying individual stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds. Listed below are some of the choices via funds:
iShares MSCI Mexico Index Fund (EWW)
EWW has given positive returns for many years now.The ETF has a yield of about 1.88% and assets of about $1.3B. America Movil – a telecom provider is heavily weighted in this fund.
2. Closed-Ended Fund
Mexico Equity and Income Fund Inc (MXE)
Yield – 0.55% Mkt Cap – $62M
3. Closed-Ended Fund
The Mexico Fund Inc. (MXF)
Yield – 2% Mkt Cap – $618M