FTSE All-Share Intra-Year Declines vs. Calendar Year Returns Since 1986: Chart

Similar to the S&P 500 Index, the FTSE All-Share Index for the UK equity market has also generated positive year-end returns in most of the recent few years though the intra-year declines was negative. The following chart shows the intra-year highest declines vs. year-end calendar returns for the FTSE All-Share Index from 1986 to 2022 …

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Quick Note on Upcoming Dividends from Petrobras

Major Oil companies are profiting from the sky-high crude oil prices this year. Recent quarterly reports from these firms showed the astonishing profits they earned. Brazilian oil giant Petrobras(PBR) is no exception. On July 28, 2022 Petrobras reported excellent results for 2Q, 2022. Net Income soared to US $10.5 billion, a 26.8% rise from the …

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