On The Gap Between Investor Returns And Fund Returns

Multiple studies have shown that individual investors always tend to earn less than the funds they are invested in especially over the long-term. This is because many investors try to time the market and hence sell the mutual fund or ETF at the presumed peak and then buy back again at the wrong time as …

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Just 4% of US-listed Companies Created all the Wealth in 90 Years

Success with investing in stocks requires more than following simple concepts such as Buy and Hold, Dividend Growth Investing, Buy Low and Sell High, Momentum chasing, etc. it requires more than anything picking the rights stocks or to be more precise – picking the winners than losers. This is because if an investor picks randomly …

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The US Would Have The Third-Highest Combined Top Marginal Capital Gains Tax Rate Among OCED Countries

Under the House Build Back Better Act proposal, the US would have the third-highest combined top marginal tax rate on long-term capital gain taxes among OECD countries according to an article at the Tax Foundation. Currently Denmark has the highest rate at 42 percent followed by Chile. As an emerging country, Chile used to have …

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