S&P 500 CAPE Ratio Since 1872: Chart

U.S. stocks have performed extremely well so far this year until the recently one day big decline. However rising stock prices have also led to the expansion of the Price/Earnings ratio. According to Niels Clemen Jensen of Absolute Return Partners, US stocks are currently trading at a massive 32x earnings even with cyclical adjustment. Writing in …

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The Top 50 Global Pharma Companies 2020

The Pharm Exec magazine recently published its 20th annual ranking of the Global Top 50 Pharma companies for 2020. These companies were ranked based on sales in 2019. Switzerland-based Roche(RHHBY) was the world’s number one drug company. The second place also went to another Swiss firm, Novartis(NVS).  The next three spots were taken by American firms – …

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