Fascinating Guardian Article on The Epic Failure of the US Against Coronavius

In a democratic country it is often said you get the leaders that the people vote for. In this context the US is no different than any other democrazy. The US failed miserably in in its response against COVID-19 by political dithering and drama. In some ways the virus also exposes the weaknesses of the …

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Comparing Canada Stock Market’s COVID-19 Crash To Past Routs

The S&P/TSX Composite Index is down about 26% year-to-date. However it was down much before the 19% jump in the index in 3 days last week. The index reach a peak of 17,970 in Feb. Then it plunged dramatically in just a few weeks all the way to 11,172. This was the worst sharp decline in …

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Huge One-Day Gains Are Common During Bear Markets Than Bull Markets

The US equity market crashed dramatically in the past weeks as market participants woke up to the fact the US is not immune from events happening in far-away countries. The utter madness that prevailed in the market before the collapse such as the constant hype over Tesla(TSLA) and other hot stocks now looks dumb.These days …

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