Even Small Fees Will Substantially Reduce A Portfolio’s Return

Investing in equities involve analyzing a multitude of factors. Some of these factors include worrying about Trump’s impeachment, who will win the US Presidential elections net year, US-China Trade wars, oil prices, Fed’s QE programs, value of the dollar, etc. All of these factor’s are beyond an investor’s control. One of the few factors that …

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Singapore Leads The World in Saving For Retirement

The tiny city state of Singapore is one of the best run countries in the world. Singapore is the world’s top saving country.Both the government and citizens take pride in responsibility and act accordingly. One of the areas that other countries can emulate from Singapore is saving for retirement.Unlike other developed countries including those in …

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Australia’s Top Companies in 2009 vs. 2019

Some of the developed economies in the world are natural resources-based. These economies are dominated by commodity companies and financials. Highly innovative and disruptive tech sector form a small part of these countries. Countries such as Canada and Australia fall int his category. The Canadian economy is dominated by mining, energy and financials. Similarly resource …

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