Levels of Wealth Concentration Across Countries: Chart

In the modern economy, the rich keep getting richer while the poor getting poorer. Inequality in wealth and income has been growing for many decades now and the wealth disparity between the haves and have-nots is especially wider in developing countries. In many developed countries also, wealth is becoming highly concentrated with a small group …

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The UK Stock Market is The Worst Performing Among Developed Markets

The UK used to be a super power ruling many countries of the world. Nowadays UK has become an also ran country. The country is not a leader in technology. In defense, it is generally considered a poodle of the US. Economically the country has bogged down in the Brexit morass for the past few …

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On the Sector Breakdown of India’s S&P BSE SENSEX Index

The S&P BSE SENSEX is the benchmark index of the Indian equity market. The index is up around 9% so far this year. In this post, let’s take a quick look at the sector composition of Sensex. According to S&P, the Sensex “is designed to measure the performance of the 30 largest, most liquid and …

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