Stock Market Performance Under Democratic Socialism vs. Military Dictatorship: The Chilean Experience

The stock market in Chile collapsed when socialist president Allende was elected back in the 1970s but soared when he was overthrown and military dictator Pinochet seized power. Economic growth can be achieved either by the ballot or by the bullet. Or to put it another way democratic means of political system can drive economic …

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Why Own Foreign Stocks: Infographic

Investing in foreign stocks has many advantages. Despite living in a globalized world, many Americans have low exposure to foreign stocks. Going overseas can not only help diversify one’s portfolio but also offers the potential to boost returns. The following small infographic lists a few reasons to invest in foreign stocks: Click to enlarge Source:In …

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South Korea Ranks First in Dividend Growth 2018-2019

South Korea used to be one of the unattractive markets for dividend investors due to the low payouts by Korean firms. I have written about the low payouts in a few article before like here and here. In those articles I had suggested that income investors can avoid Korea. However decades of low payouts may …

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