Performance of European Defensive vs. Economically Sensitive Stocks Since Global Financial Crisis

Defensive stocks perform well during periods of economic contractions and uncertainity. The sector comprising of stocks in the consumer staples and healthcare industries have outperformed sectors such as commodities that are sensitive to the economy since the global financial ciris of 2008-09 in the European context. Click to enlarge Source: Why high beer prices could give …

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Unloved Food Stocks Deserve A Look

One of the sector that is currently unloved by the market is the food sector.Investors are avoiding food producers for a variety of reasons. Though many of the factors cited are understandable investors need not totally ignore stocks from the sector. As part of the consumer staple industry food companies deserve a look and are …

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Why Build A Diversified Portfolio

One of the very important factors for success with investing is the ability to build and own a diversified portfolio of various assets types. Simply owing only stocks for the long-run is highly risky. So it is better to own a combination of stocks, bonds, gold, real estate, etc. in a well-diversified portfolio. Stocks and …

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Water Consumption per capita for Select Countries

Water consumption per capita is high in the US relative to other countries. An average American consumes 1,583 cubic metres per year. Other developed countries like UK, Denmark, Ireland, etc. consumer much less. For example, an average British consumers only 129 cubic metres according to the chart below: Click to enlarge   Source: Running Out of Freshwater, The …

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