Why Diversify Across Countries: Chart

One of the ways of diversification is to allocate one’s portfolio assets across countries. Since the economic systems, political systems and wealth of natural resources vary between countries the equity markets also tend to perform differently. For exmaple, when crude oil prices are soarding the Russian equity market performs well as the economy is dependent …

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Six Attractions To Visit In Paris

Paris, the city of lights is an awesome metropolis. From museums to monuments to palaces the city has so much to offer for a traveler. The following are six tourist attractions: 1.Eiffel Tower Click to enlarge 2.Louvre Museum 3.Palace of Versailles 4.Arc de Triomphe 5. Notre-Dame Cathedral  6.Disneyland Paris

The Top 20 Countries by Trading Volume

The G-20 countries accounted for about 78% of the global trade in 2015 according to World Trade Organization. The largest trading countries in that year were China and the US. The US was the world’s largest importer and second largest exporter after China. The top 20 trading countries are shown in the chart below: Click …

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Renewable Energy as a Percentage of Total Primary Energy Supply in G-20 Countries

The share of renewable energy in primary energy supply varies widely among G-20 member nations. Renewable energy can be produced from solar, hydro, biomass, wind, etc. sources. This type of energy is virtually untapped in countries like South Korea, Russia and Saudi Arabia.However certain countries are top renewable energy producers. For example, Brazil is a …

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Five Attractions To Visit In Rome

The Italian capital Rome is an amazing city. As the birthplace of modern civilization, Rome is dotted with hundreds of historical monuments to explore. Like the olden days, Romans today are extremely friendly and welcoming to tourists. Almost every street seems to have at least one Church and many of them hundreds of years old. For Americans who …

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