Video: MiG-29 – Flight To The Edge Of Space
Incredible video of a MiG-29 flight to the edge of space!. View from a camera mounted outside the jet. Source: English Russia
Incredible video of a MiG-29 flight to the edge of space!. View from a camera mounted outside the jet. Source: English Russia
Concentration risk is one of the risks that investors in the British equity market must be aware of. Though the UK is one of the largest economies in Europe and in the developed world, its equity market is highly concentrated with select sectors and companies dominating the market. So British investors are wise to diversify …
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The UK equity market is a fertile ground for investors looking to unearth dividend-paying stocks. Traditionally UK has had high dividend yields compared to other developed markets especially the US. An article published last month at The Money Observer discussed the Dividend Heros of the benchmark FTSE-100 index. Research by the stock broker AJ Bell …
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Defining a bubble in equity markets is tricky. However according to Jeffrey Kleintop at Schwab a bubble is defined as a rise of 1,000% or 10 times over 10 years. The chart below shows four bubbles from the past. While today some tech stocks are all the rage and the NASDAQ has reached record levels, one of …
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