The Number of IKEA Stores per Capita by Country: Chart

The number of IKEA stores worldwide by country is interesting to review. However that can lead to misinterpretation since populations of countries very. So an ideal way to compare the number of IKEA stores is at a per capita level – meaning the number of stores compared to population count.

The chart below shows the number of IKEA stores per capita by country:

Click to enlarge

Source: Aaron Strandberg

Iceland has the most number of stores per capita followed by the home country of Sweden.In the US, there are only 1.4 stores per 10 million population. So compared to other countries, IKEA has plenty of potential to expand in the US market.

Also see: Chart: IKEA – Number of Stores and Top Countries for Sales, TFS, 2016

Updates – 9/3/23:

1.IKEA World Map

Source: Deep Resource

2.List of Countries with IKEA Stores

Source: Wikipedia

3.The Biggest IKEA networks in Europe

Source: Statista

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