The Number of Listed Companies by Country 2016

Capital markets in some countries are highly vibrant than others. One measure of a healthy capital market is the number of companies that are publicly listed. Generally developed countries have a high number of public companies relative to emerging and frontier countries. India has the number of public listings in the world with 5,821 companies …

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Why Ben Carlson’s Views on Buybacks and Dividends Are Not Entirely Correct

Earlier this month Ben Carlson, Director of institutional asset management at Ritholtz Wealth Management and author of the popular A Wealth of Common Sense blog wrote an article in Bloomberg discussing stock Buybacks and Dividends. The gist of the article is that investors can expect to earn a higher rate of return in the stock market …

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How Concentrated Are Some Foreign Equity Markets?

One of the many risks that investors have to take into consideration when investing in foreign stocks is Concentration Risk. This risk simply means a market is highly concentration with one stock accounting a large percentage of the allocation. Or to put it another way, one stock dominates the market. So a benchmark index that …

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The Sizes of World Stock Markets in 1899 vs. 2016

At the beginning of the 20th century the US stock market accounted for 15% of global stocks. But since the end of World War II, the US market has made up more than half of the global market capitalization and the country has continued to maintain this dominance. Click to enlarge   Source: Credit Suisse Yearbook 2017: …

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