Why Invest In New Zealand Dividend Stocks?

Investors looking for dividend stocks should consider companies from New Zealand. Some of the reasons why New Zealand dividend equities are attractive for income are listed below: New Zealand firms have one of the highest dividend payout ratios in the world. For example, in 2015 the payout ratio was 84% of earnings. This vastly exceeds …

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40 Key and Emerging Technologies for the Future: Chart

Technologies continue to evolve with new and improved products and processes improving people’s lives every day. Some of the technologies such as bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence(AI) have been around for years. But some of the new ones are still in earlier phases of growth. These include things like blockchain, big data analytics, drones, stem cells, …

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Which Companies Would Benefit From Higher Defense Spending?

The U.S. expenditures on defense is higher than any other country in the world. The incoming Trump adminstration plans to spend even more to make America great again. Directly and indirectly the weapons and related-industries employs millions of people in the country provoding them high-quality well-paid jobs. Among the top 10 defense contractors, the top five …

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A Historical Gold Prices Chart, Events and Results

The chart below shows the price of gold since the end of the gold standard: Click to enlarge The recent significant events affecting gold prices and the result are displyed in the following table: Source: A short history of investing in gold – and what to expect for 2017 by David Brett, Schroders The above linked …

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