Dow 20,000 Is Just An Arbitrary Round Number

The Dow closed 19,792 today. The media has been highly publicizing the Dow 20,000 story in the past few days as if reaching that figure means some great thing. In reality 20,000 is just another round number. The percentage increase or decrease over a period is more important than 20,000 or any other number. The …

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Are U.S. Stocks Better For Growth Than European Stocks?

European stocks look cheaper than U.S. stocks now based on P/E ratio and other factors. However U.S. stocks are better for better for growth than European stocks under Trump Presidency, according to Peter Fitzgerald of Aviva Investors quoted in a recent Citywire UK article. He also noted the one important reason on why investors’ perception that …

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Why Staying Invested is Important For Success in Stock Investing

One of my favorite topics that I have written about in the past is the futility of trying to time the market. For most investors, the best strategy in equity investing is to simply hold stocks for the long-term. This is because nobody knows when markets will turn one way or the other. For example, the …

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The Top 15 Corporate Tax Havens

The UK-based global charity Oxfam published a study on corporate tax havens and how they deprive countries of billions of dollars in funds.The top five corporate tax havens are: Bermuda, Cayman Islands, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Singapore. The full list of corporate tax havens are shown below: Click to enlarge Source: TAX BATTLES – The dangerous …

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