P/E Ratio is Not a Predictor of Future Equity Returns

The Price/Earnings ratio (P/E) is sometimes used by investors to identify if equities are cheap or expensive and if getting in when the ratio is lower means higher returns in the future. However an article by Lord Abbett notes that P/E ratio alone is not a good indicator of future market returns. From the article: …

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Knowledge is Power: Fascism, 401K Monster, DAX Index Edition

Performing Reformers: How Political Change Can Affect Stocks (Charles Schwab) This is how fascism comes to America (The Washington Post) Asset Allocation – Why You Should Invest Internationally (T.Rowe Price) The inventor of the 401(k) says he created a ‘monster’ (MarketWatch) UK stock market recoveries (Invesco Perpetual) The German DAX’s Bad Year Is Even Worse Than It …

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Dividend Payout Ratio of U.S. vs European Stocks

U.S. firms are paying out more of their earnings in dividends to shareholders than investing in R&D or growing their businesses according to a report in the journal today. Though the dividend yield of the S&P 500 has stayed around 2% for many years, the payout ratio has increased in recent years to record levels. …

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The 10 Biggest Binational Migrant Flows 2010-2015

Migration is a major issue globally. In the past few years the mass migration of people from the Middle East and Africa into Europe has become a major headline news for the media and politicians alike. Sometimes migration from one specific country to another tend to be very high for a variety of reasons. For …

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