South Africa’s FTSE JSE All Share Index: Revenue Exposure by Country

The FTSE/JSE All Share Index is the benchmark index of the South African equity market. According to the index provider FTSE: The FTSE/JSE All-Share Index represents 99% of the full market capital value i.e. before the application of any investability weightings, of all ordinary securities listed on the main board of the JSE, subject to minimum …

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Three Charts On The Food Grown By Developing Countries

Developing countries are home about 80% to the world’s population. For example, the population of China and India alone are approximately 1.35 bn and 1.25 bn respectively. According to a research report John McArthur and Krista Rasmussen of Brookings, 98% of world’s hungry people live in the developing countries. 78% of the harvested croplands are also in …

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