Number of Mutual Funds by Country

The mutual funds industry is a big business globally. In the developed countries it is especially large due to the amount of investment capital available. Billions of dollars are run by fund managers on behalf of their investors. Since billions of dollars of fees are at stake, fund companies offer a variety of funds based …

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On the Growth of Mutual Funds in the US

The mutual funds industry in the US is a multi-trillion dollar industry.At the end of 2014, the industry managed assets of about $16.0 Trillion up from just over $1.0 Trillion in 1990. The growth in assets under management over the years has also led to a fierce competition with a multitude of players entering the …

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Average Tax Rate on Cigarettes by Country

Cigarettes are one of the most highly taxed products around the world. Equity investments in cigarette companies generally tend to payoff well in the long run as firms in the sector provide solid dividends and stable consistent growth. Successful investors have long observed the unique advantages of making money from cigarette makers. Here is a quote from Warren …

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Why Search for High-Yielding Dividend Stocks Abroad

When searching for income stocks foreign markets offer many attractive opportunities. Stocks with dividend yields of 3% or more can be found abroad to the 2% for US stocks as represented by the S&P 500. Though many sectors within the S&P 500 such as telecoms have much higher dividend yields, investors looking to diversify and also …

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