Healthcare Costs Per Capita: U.S. vs Select Developed Countries

The U.S. spends more than twice on health care costs per person than the average developed country does, according to OECD data. Click to enlarge Source: Per Capita Healthcare Costs — International Comparison, Peter G.Peterson Foundation One of the major failures of the Affordable Care Act passed a few years ago is that it does nothing to …

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Knowledge is Power: Oil Prices, Canadian Banks, Tax Loss Harvesting Edition

Oil price at lowest level since 2009 (BBC) X Marks the Spot That Makes Online Ads So Maddening (NY Times) A fresh take on UK equities (Money Observer) Bull or bear, there’s something for everyone in Big Six bank earnings (Financial Post) Hong Kong Prudence Down the Toilet (Asia Sentinel) Are markets heading for a significant correction in 2016? …

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Investing In Auto Parts Makers Is A Wise Strategy

Investing in stocks of auto parts makers is a wise move for many reasons. For example, the demand for automobile parts is stable during economic expansions and contractions. In fact during recessions demand goes even higher as consumers try to repair their existing vehicles and use them instead of buying new ones. During good times, …

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Why Hold Foreign Stocks in a Portfolio?

One of the advantages of holding foreign equities in a well diversified portfolio is that the performance of US stocks and international stocks tend to deviate from one another. This means while US stocks may perform well in one year foreign stocks may not and vice versa. So by holding both foreign and US stocks …

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Why Short-Term Average Returns Are Meaningless In Stock Investing

Equity investors have to ignore average returns reported for a short period of time like 3 years, 5 years, etc. This is because stocks are a very volatile asset class and and go up sharply as well as plunge dramatically from one year to the next. So simply taking an average over a very short-term like 3 …

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