Dividend Yield Comparison: India vs. Other Markets

India has been a low-yielding country in terms of dividends historically. So global investors looking for income are better avoiding Indian equities. As an emerging market, India is well-suited for finding growth-oriented stocks as opposed to dividend stocks. The chart below shows the historical yield comparison of India and other indices: Click to enlarge Source: …

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Two Decisive Factors That Are Crucial To Gain Higher Returns

Traditional Finance is based on the hypothesis that investors are totally rational and that they make their decisions based on all the available information. Behavioral Finance on the other hand is based on the evidence that real investors are not rational and that they are prone to behavioral biases. In lay man’s terms this simply …

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A Review of Exchange-traded Foreign Oil & Gas Sector Stocks

Oil prices have declined dramatically in the past year and continue to fall further. West Texas Intermediate crude is trading at around $36 a barrel compared to over $50 a while ago. Last week crude prices reached the lowest level in six years. A confluence of factors are attributed to the oil price collapse some of …

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