Citi Depository Receipt Services recently pubished the 2015 Midyear Report listing various stats on DR programs. The Top 10 Most Liquid DR programs by Volume are listed below:
Click to enlarge
Note: LSE represents London Stock Exchange.
The most traded ADR is Petrobras(PBR) of Brazil. The oil giant’s stock price crashed dramatically when corruption and fraud issues came to light in addition to the dramatic decline in oil prices in the past year.As the price of PBR fell below $10, it became a favorite stock for traders. All of the stocks listed above are from emerging markets with the exception of National Bank of Greece(NBG).
The Top 10 Most Liquid DR programs by Value are listed below:
Source: Citi
In terms of value of DRs traded, a few firms the developed world appear in the list. Royal Dutch Shell(RDS-A), BP Plc(BP) and Teva(TEVA) are solid picks for long-term holding in a diversified portfolio. Teva is the largest generic drug marker in the world and the oil giants offer attractive dividend yields and low share prices currently due to the crash in oil prices.
Disclosure: Long PBR and ITUB