US Bank Stocks Are Cheap Based on Long-Term Valuation

Many years have passed since the global financial crisis(GFC) of 2008-09. Fresh with memory of the collapse of many financial institutions, investors are still avoiding bank stocks like rotten fish.However that need not be the case. Of the thousands of banks operating the U.S. the majority are conservative well-run institutions. Even the ones that were …

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Knowledge is Power: China Stock Market, Eurovision 2015, Lucky Country Edition

Piles of Overseas Profits Investors Can See but Not Touch (NY Times) Sweden are Eurovision 2015 winners – full results (Daily Mirror) Autralia – Are we still the lucky country? ( Why China’s astonishing rally has further to run (CityWire) Also see No bubble in China despite 200% in a year, says Mathews Asia (FE Trustnet) and SHOULD INVESTORS FOLLOW THE CHINA …

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