Hunting for Bargains Among European Stocks

Most European equity markets performed very well last year. The performance has varied widely so far this year with a handful of markets such as Portugal, Denmark and Italy up by double digit percentages. While a few years ago investors abandoned stocks in the PIIGS countries now they are returning to these countries in the …

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On The Correaltion Between Real Per Capita GDP Growth and Equity Returns

Higher economic growth does not necessarily mean higher equity returns especially in the long terms. Many research studies have confirmed this theory. On a similar vein, higher wealth generation as measured by real per capita GDP growth does not necessarily mean higher real equity returns. The correlation between these variables over the very long-term is …

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Should You Invest in Emerging Markets for the Very Long-Term ?

One of the questions facing investors in emerging market equities is whether they should buy stocks and hold for the long-term or even very long-term. Generally long-term can be defined as investment periods of 5-10 years while longer periods can be considered as the very long-term. In this article let us analyze this issue and try to come …

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