Five reasons to buy emerging markets next year (FE Trustnet)
Chart of the week: will buying the benchmark give you global exposure? (MoneyWeek)
Ho, ho, ho! How stock markets look set for 2014 (CityWire)
Who Let the Gini Out? (IMF)
Investment after crises: Asia 15 years later (VOX)
The backlash against the BRICs backlash (The Economist Blog)
Chenai and the chocolate factory (Le Monde)
Why a housing bubble is good (but maybe bad for you) (CBC)
8 Canadian stocks make RBC’s top 30 list (Financial Post)
European banking sector: Finally heading for better times? (DB Research)
Inside investment: Cash is a strategic asset (EuroMoney)
Searching Globally for Next Technology Leaders (T.Rowe Price)
American Falls (Niagara Falls), USA