The Top Five Banks in Brazil Based on Tier 1 Capital

Banco Do Brasil is the largest bank in Brazil based on Tier 1 Capital according to a report in The Banker magazine. The table below shows the Top 5 Brazilian banks based on Tier 1 Capital: Click to enlarge Source: The Banker Tier 1 capital shows the financial strength of a bank. So higher the …

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Knowledge is Power: Blackberry, Great Rotation, Foreign Holders Edition

Why BlackBerry failed (The Guardian) Canada vs. U.S.: A tale of two stock markets (The Star) Is now the ideal time to get back into emerging markets? (Trustnet) World’s Safest Emerging Markets Banks in Central & Eastern Europe 2013 (Global Finance) Bernstein Says ‘Great Rotation’ of Bonds to Stocks Flawed (Bloomberg) From financial market deregulation to fragmentation: Ladies …

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Income Inequality Among Select Countries

The Gini index measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of family income in a country.The higher the Gini coefficient the higher the income inequality. According to the CIA’s The World Factbook the Scandinavian country of Sweden has the lowest Gini coefficient.The U.S. ranks 41st just behind its former colony of Philippines with a Gini …

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Some Interesting Facts On Small Countries

There are about 200+ countries in the world. Some of them are small with small populations while others are tiny. Their population and economy size are not large enough to get international investors’ attention. In the latest edition of Finance & Development magazine published by the IMF I came across an interesting article on these …

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