Historical Performance and Valuation of the S&P 500 Index

The S&P 500 is up 26.72% YTD in terms of price returns and 29.22% based on total returns. Given the strong up this year, many investors are wondering if U.S. stocks are overvalued or fairly valued. With about a month to go this year, any further run to the upside will make the returns even …

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Knowledge is Power: Mexican Economy, Bubble talk, Open Borders Edition

Mexico’s economy – the bigger worry (beyondbrics) Is the commodities supercycle over? (Canadian Business) World’s Safest Emerging Markets Banks in Central & Eastern Europe 2013 (Global Finance) Waiting for a 10% market correction? Don’t hold your breath (The Star) Ultra-low interest rates are not normal, and not fair (MoneyWeek) Europe is falling out of love with open borders (The Guardian) Walls: …

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Knowledge is Power: Cycling, Brazil Stocks, Global Auto Industry Edition

Emerging-Market Banks Threatened by End of Credit Boom (Bloomberg) A look beyond the Twitter IPO finds rot beneath the gloss of recovery (The Guardian) Brazil stocks undervalued, favoured for sound governance (The Asset) Chile should continue strengthening growth and well-being, says OECD (OECD) World’s Safest Emerging Markets Banks in Latin America 2013 (Global Finance) Presentation: Economic and regulatory prospects …

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