Auto-Parts Maker Genuine Parts Company Reaches 52-Week High

I wrote about auto parts makers back in January. Among the five big companies in this industry Genuine Parts Company(GPC) reached a 52-week high last week. From a low of about $25.00 in March 2009, the stock reached over $74 last week as shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: Yahoo Finance The company …

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Why Invest in Developed Markets Outside Of The US?

There are many reasons to invest in foreign stocks. In addition to emerging and frontier markets, U.S. investors should have exposure to other developed markets. This is is because companies in other developed countries operate differently with respect to management and other factors and their sales territory is not only limited to their home markets …

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A Short Review Of The Major Players Supplying The World Oil Market

One of the mysteries in the modern day world is the price of crude oil. Nobody really knows why the price of oil varies on a daily basis and why prices continue to go up. So it is not surprising that even the U.S. government’s Energy Information Administration states the following on its website: “The world …

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Gross Debt Levels in Select Countries 2012

The global financial crisis exposed the big flaw in debt-led growth in most developed countries. The U.S. became the poster child for the world see the harmful effects of how unsustainable debt levels held by individuals, companies and governments alike. Even after the credit crisis debt levels remain still high in many countries. For example, …

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Performance of KBW Bank Indices vs. S&P 500 Index

The latest Fed Stress Tests of US banks indicate that 17 of the largest 18 banks could withstand a deep recession and maintain enough capital above the minimums required. Ally Financial(ALLY), the car lending company that used to part of GM is the only odd man out in the Fed’s tests. The final results will …

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