The Nine Largest Italian Companies By Revenue 2012

Italy has one of the world’s largest economies in the world. Though the country has a rich history and cultural heritage, currently it is going through some tough economic times. Despite the current problems, as a developed country Italy is home to many world-class companies. In this post, let us take a quick look at …

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Total Return vs. Price Return of Two ETFs

Investors can the amplify returns of an investment in a stock by reinvesting dividends.This return known as the Total Return will be substantially higher than the Price Return  in the long-term  due to the effect of compounding. The difference in returns between the total return and price return will be especially significant for companies with above-average and growing …

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Why Diversification in Stock Holdings is Important

Diversification helps reduce risk and volatility of a portfolio. Some investors falsely assume that diversification eliminates risks altogether. This is not true. Diversification only helps to reduces risk but not eliminate it. For example, a well-diversified portfolio of stocks may fall 15% when the market falls 20% or 25%. In a major market crash such …

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The Fortune Global 500 Companies List 2012

Every year Fortune magazine publishes its famous list of Global 500 companies ranked by Revenue and Profits. The rankings for 2012 are listed below: Energy companies dominate the top 10 spots since they benefit immensely from high oil prices. Oil giant Royal DutchShell (RDS-A, RDS-B) topped the list based on revenues followed by ExxonMobil (XOM). …

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Which British Banks Are Worth Investing In Now?

The British banking industry is slowly recovering from a multitude of problems including the effects of global financial crisis, the European debt crisis, the LIBOR manipulation scandal, etc. Among the top five banks, three reported decent earnings for  last year. In addition, HSBC, Barclays and Standard Chartered also increased their dividends for the first time since the financial …

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