Most Mexican Exchange-Listed ADRs are Up YTD

Mexico is one of the best performing emerging market this year. Mexico’s IPC index is up 9.7% so far this year. Despite the drug violence investors have been bidding up Mexican stocks  due to strong economic growth and political reforms. From an article in The Wall Street Journal in August: Earlier this year, Mexican shares were …

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Knowledge is Power: Jobs, Elizabeth Warren, China Model Edition

Barack Obama and America’s decline (Asia Times) Budget DisarrayUS Set to Restage Greek Tragedy (Der Spiegel) Emerging economies halve their debt (Deutsche Welle) JOLTS – There were 3.4 People Looking for a Job for each Position Available in September 2012 (The Economic Populist) The Importance Of Elizabeth Warren (The Baseline Scenario) Obama’s Green Jobs Cost Big Bucks (CFR) China …

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A Note on Santander ADRs Trading on the NYSE

Four different type of Santander bank ADRs trade on the New York Stock Exchange.In order to clarify any confusion when identifying the relevant ticker, here is a brief overview of the four ADRs: 1.Banco Santander SA (SAN): Santander is the Spain-based multinational banking group with operations in Spain, the United Kingdom, Portugal, the Latin American countries …

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