The Strongest and Weakest European Banks based on the Core Tier 1 Ratio

The global financial crisis and the ongoing European fiscal crisis have exposed the differences in strength of major banks in Europe. As the banking landscape has significantly changed in recent years, investors are trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. Accordingly strong and well-run banks will be preferred by investors while the weaker banks …

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15 Investment Opportunities in the Energy Equipment, Engineering & Construction Sector

One way to profit from the global growth in energy industry is to invest in companies that provide the infrastructure, equipment, engineering and services to the industry.This strategy follows the theme whereby it is best to invest in firms that provide the tools and services to a specific industry as opposed to investing directly in …

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U.S. Tax Revenue as Percentage of GDP 2000 to 2011

With the election over, the U.S. is now currently bogged in the over-hyped political issue called the “fiscal cliff“. We can expect the media to focus on this political drama as the lead story for the rest of the year. An important measure to describe a country’s finances is the measure of tax receipts, the …

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