New Peruvian ADR: Cementos Pacasmayo

Pacasmayo Cement of Peru started trading on the NYSE from Feb 13, 2012 with the ticker CPAC.Pacasmayo  is the second Peruvian cement company to trade on the US markets. Here is a brief overview of this new ADR from the press release: Cementos Pacasmayo is a leading Peruvian cement company, and the only cement manufacturer …

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Knowledge is Power: Bonds, BRICs, Latin American Investing Edition

Four tips for bond investors Crook: U.S. Retirees Face a Private-Savings Crisis Do workers reap the benefits of productivity growth? What can Europe learn from Sweden? Four lessons for fiscal discipline Hire-and-fire labour law changes won’t ease Spain’s employment crisis BRICs lose their shine The case for investing in Latin America Click to enlarge Mongolia Photo …

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Performance of Foreign Bank Stocks Since March 2009 Lows

Quoting Barron’s, Blogger and fund manager Barry Ritholtz posted the following interesting chart on the performance of various asset classes since the March 2009 lows: Click to enlarge Source: Bottoms Up! From March 9, 2009 to Today, The Big Picture I wanted to see how the various US-listed foreign banks have performed from March 9, …

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Nuclear Power Growth Continues in Developing Countries

In an article last April I wrote that despite the events at the Fukushima, Japan “power generation from nuclear energy is set to rise in many countries.”. I came across an interesting article in The Wall Street Journal this week on this topic.From the article: Developing countries with an insatiable thirst for electricity are going …

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