Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Equity Markets of BRIC Countries

Emerging market equities did not perform well last year compared to years before. For example, the the benchmark indices of BRIC countries were down by double digits in 2011 with India’s Sensex being the worst performer losing 24.5%. Russia’s RTS, Brazil’s Bovespa and the Shanghai Composite Index were off 22.0%, 18.1% and 21.7% respectively. One …

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Comparison of Obesity Rates Among OECD Countries

Healthcare costs continue to rise in OECD countries. In the United States especially it has increased for many years outpacing inflation. According to the OECD, the US per capita health spending in 2009 was $7,960 which is two and half times that of the OECD average. One of the reasons for the high cost of …

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European Banks To Face Further Pressure in 2012

Last year has been brutal for investors in European bank stocks. Compared to the plunge of 25% for US bank stocks as measured by The KBW Bank Index, the STOXX Europe 600 Banks Index was down about 33% in Euros. Many individual European bank stocks have performed much worse with none of their exchange-traded ADRs …

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Review: Components of the STOXX Europe Maximum Dividend 40 Index

STOXX, the leading European index provider, launched a new index called “The STOXX Europe Maximum Dividend 40 Index“. Derived from the STOXX Europe 600 index, this index is a blue-chip index comprising the 40 highest dividend-yielding companies across Europe and represents companies with the highest expected dividend yield in the upcoming quarter. The key features …

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