15 Non-Financial European Companies with Large Government Ownership

Some of the European governments still own large stakes in private sector companies. Traditionally sectors like utilities, airlines used to have large state ownership. With the bailouts during the financial crisis of 2008-09, some of the banks also are majority-owned by governments. 15 non-financial companies with state ownership of more than 10% are listed below …

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Checking on Brazilian Utility ADRs

The theory that emerging markets are decoupled from developed markets did not hold well during the current turmoil in global equity markets. Emerging market stocks have also fallen sharply in tandem with others. For example, while most of European countries are down more than 20% and the S&P is down 6.5%%, Brazil’s Bovespa is also …

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Comparison of Developed and Emerging Market Banks on P/B Ratios

Ever since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, investors’ confidence in the global banking industry has declined tremendously. In the developed world, banks are still saddled with unknown losses mostly tied to real estate and derivatives despite billions of dollars pumped into them as part of the various bailout programs after the crisis.Though emerging …

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