Revenue and Expenditure of the U.S. Government 2011

Here is a simple chart depicting the Federal Budget for 2011: Source: Der Spiegel Income Tax and social security contributions constitute over 50% and 37% of total revenue respectively. With high unemployment ans stagnant wages, this is bound to be under pressure for the foresseable future. With healthcare costs and other expenditures rising, the current …

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Unlike Other Developed Countries, Denmark Refuses to Rescue Banks

Since the start of the global financial crisis of 2008, most of the developed countries have bailed out distressed banks with taxpayer funds. The U.S. government allows the failure of small and tiny banks but bails out large and TBTF banks by pouring billions in bailout funds with programs such as the now-forgotten TARP program. …

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Knowledge is Power: Gold Standard, Taxes, Eurozone Edition

Is it time to restore the gold standard? Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels Why the US Should Raise Taxes Most Americans don’t have $1,000 saved for emergency The bonds that turned to dust Can the eurozone be saved? The end of buy-and-hold investing? Is There A Safe Savings Rate? Click to …

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How Long Will the Global Oil and Natural Gas Reserves Last

The world’s proven oil reserves of 1,383.2 billion barrels will last for only 46 years if oil production and consumption are to remain at current levels, according to BP Statistical Review of World Energy. The world’s natural gas reserves will also last for just 59 years if production is to continue at the 2010 rate. …

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