China Projected To Accumulate More Wealth Than The U.S.

China’s savings rate is one of the largest in the world even in dollar terms. Chinese tend to save a higher proportion of their incomes due to the lack of social safety nets such as healthcare, social security and other state-provided benefits. From a recent IMF report on China: On account of its large annual …

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Comparison of Public Debt: U.S. vs. Canada

The Canadian economy is one-tenth of the size of the U.S. economy. The Canadian banking system was largely unaffected by the global credit crisis and the country is in a relatively strong fiscal position than the U.S. The outstanding public debt of Canada stood at$563,068,532,455.00 CDN (or) C$563.0 billion as of July 22, 2011. The …

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Comparing Equity Market Performance: Russia vs. Other BRICs, US and UK

In the past 12 months, the Russian equity market has outperformed the markets of Brazil, India and China. In addition, the RTS Index has also outperformed the U.S. and UK markets. From INVESTMENT EXTRA: A bull market for the Russian bear: Robin Geffen, fund manager and chief executive of Neptune Investment Management notes the following …

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