ADR Review: Metering Device Maker Elster Group

Elster Group ADR – Terminated Effective 12/6/13. Details here. Essen, Germany-based Elster Group(ELT) is a world leader in Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and integrated metering and utilization solutions to the gas, electricity and water industries. The company’s products and solutions are used to accurately and reliably measure gas, electricity and water consumption as well as …

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Why is College Tuition Increasing Consistently in the U.S.?

College tuition rates are increasing year-after-year in the U.S. making more students carry heavier debt-loads by the time they graduate. Last year for the first time, student-loan debt surpassed credit-card debt.From an article in The Wall Street Journal: Consumers now owe more on their student loans than their credit cards. Americans owe some $826.5 billion …

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