30 High Dividend-Paying Euro Zone Stocks

In order to identify some of the high dividend paying stocks in the Euro Zone countries I referred to the EURO STOXX® Select Dividend 30 Index. This index “offers exposure to the 30 highest dividend-paying stocks from Euro Zone countries. Only companies are included that have a non-negative historical five-year dividend-per-share growth rate and a …

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5-Year Performance: Top Chilean vs. U.S. Bank Stocks

The chart below shows the 5-year performance comparison of top three Chilean banks and the four largest banks in the U.S: Click to enlarge Banco Santander Chile (SAN) and Banco de Chile(BCH) are the first and second largest Chilean banks based on assets. And CorpBanca(BCA) is one of the top 10 banks by assets. [TABLE=887] …

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Six Foreign Stock Splits

Despite the volatility in equity markets for a few months now, some foreign companies are implementing stock splits to increase liquidity. The following are some of the foreign stocks that recently had stock splits: 1.Telefonica SA (TEF) Sector: Telecom Country: Spain Split Ratio: 3:1 Split Date: 1/21/11 Current Dividend Yield: 7.17% Current Stock Price: $25.10 …

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A Look At China’s Dazzling Economic Growth

China has become the driver of global economic growth for many years now. As a communist country following a “Market Socialism” philosophy China continues to grow despite slowdown in developed economies and other emerging markets. The following is brief overview of few of the statistics on China’s incredible growth. From a recent OECD report: Ten …

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The World’s Best Emerging Market Banks in Latin America 2011

The Global Finance magazine has published the list of Best Banks in Latin America for 2011. The winners were selected based on factors such as growth in assets, profitability, strategic relationships, customer service, competitive pricing, innovative products, etc. The World’s Best Emerging Market Banks in Latin America 2011 [TABLE=886] Source: Global Finance Canadian banking group …

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