12 Emerging Markets Dividend Stocks For Income

Investors have been attracted to emerging market equities for many years now due to their capital appreciation potential.Until recently not many emerging market stocks have been known for their dividends.However that paradigm is changing. Companies in developing countries are increasingly paying out a higher portion of their profits to investors in the form of dividends. …

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Is Gold the Best Asset Class for All Economic Conditions?

In the past few years Gold has become a much-talked about and safe-haven asset class. Investors have been piling into gold due to the credit crisis, collapse of equity markets, Greek debt crisis, continued devaluation of paper currencies and more recently the newly announced QE2 which will depreciate the value of the dollar further. As …

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Small-Caps may offer better Investment Opportunities for an Economic Recovery

Generally small caps yield higher returns over large caps over long periods. In the last decade small cap stocks easily beat large cap stocks in terms of returns. From an article I wrote in May: The S&P 600 Index, a small-stock index, gained nearly 100% in the decade that began Jan 1, 2000  , producing …

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