The Top 10 Global Biopharmaceutical Companies by Sales

A few days ago we reviewed the top 20 global pharmaceutical companies by sales. In this post, lets take a quick look at the top 10 global biopharmaceutical firms based on 2009 revenues. The table below lists the  Top 10 Global Biopharmaceutical Companies by Sales. These firms were selected based on the following rule: The …

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Debt Due over the 20 Years From Ireland, Portugal and Spain

The Irish government is negotiating a $110 billion bailout deal with the IMF and EU. Today Ireland unveiled a four-year austerity plan. From an Bloomberg article: “Ireland’s government said it will cut spending by about 20 percent and raise taxes over the next four years as talks on a bailout of the country near conclusion.Welfare …

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Coal Imports are Booming in Asia

The demand for coal is rising in Asia especially in China and India. As a result, developed countries that have an abundance of coal deposits are increasing their exports to Asia. In addition, mining companies in Australia, U.S. and others are exploring the possibility of opening new mines to take advantage of the growing demand. …

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U.S. Recovery Depends on the Domestic Service Economy and Not on Exports

The size of the U.S. economy is about $14 Trillion. Consumer spending accounts for nearly 70% of the economy as U.S. is still a consumer-driven economy.  Unlike other countries, the services sector accounts for the most part of economy. The U.S. exports billions of dollars worth of goods and services to other countries. However exports …

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