Ten Promising Agribusiness Stocks

The S&P Agribusiness North America Index consists of 24 largest publicly-traded agribusiness companies that are either Producers, Distributors & Processors and Equipment & Materials Suppliers in this sector. The Constituents in this Index must meet the following criteria: Trade on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges including ADRs Have minimum market capitalization of US$ 500M at …

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U.S. Unemployment Varies Significantly Based on Income Levels

The U.S. official unemployment rate was 9.7% in January, 2010. The number of unemployed persons in the country stood at 14.8 million. The distribution of unemployment among the major worker groups: Whites= 8.7% Blacks = 16.5% Hispanics =  12.6% Asians= 8.4% Adult Men=  10% Adult Women = 7.9% Teenagers= 26.4% While the above distribution gives …

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Israel: A Leader in High Technology

A new report from Silicon Valley nonprofit groups Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network and Silicon Valley Community Foundation casts doubt on the future prosperity of the region and mentions that the valley’s innovation engine is at risk. From a news report: “Silicon Valley’s innovation engine has driven the region’s prosperity for 60 years, but at …

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Ten Reasons to Invest in Chile

After Brazil, Chile is the one of the attractive destination for overseas investors.  While Chile’s economy is primarily a commodity-based economy, there are many other factors that favor Chile. From a recent report by OECD: “Chile has managed the crisis better than other small open economies ,” said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría. “Thanks to sound …

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11 Hi Dividend Yield, Hi Dividend Growth Rate Foreign Stocks

When picking dividend stocks, in addition to an attractive dividend yield it is important to select stocks that have high annual dividend growth rate.These two factors will give a better picture about the stocks than going with just the yield alone. The following foreign stocks satisfy the two conditions: Dividend Yield = > 2% Average …

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