The Top Ten Chinese Banks by Assets

The Chinese banking sector showed strong growth last year despite the global economic downturn. Interest rate cuts, reduced reserve requirements and the massive $585 B infrastructure focused program helped Chinese banks achieve high growth. It will be interesting to see if Chinese banks are able repeat this performance in 2010. The Top 10 Chinese Banks …

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10 High Dividend-Paying European Stocks

European companies generally pay higher dividends than American companies. Most companies have maintained that tradition during the past two years when the global financial crisis ravaged world markets. Many European banks have reduced or suspended due to government bailouts and the subsequent ownership stakes they acquired. Because of their high dividend yields, European dividend stocks …

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Employment in U.S. Health Care Industry Projected to Increase

Healthcare is one of the few sectors in the U.S. that is creating jobs now and is projected to add more jobs in the future. The Unemployment rate in the U.S. rose to 10.2% in October as per the latest data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The sectors which had the largest job losses …

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Will the Real Estate Bubble in Asia Burst Soon?

Property prices in Asian countries have been rising at a staggering pace in the past few years due to the strength of their economies. Even during the global credit crisis last year prices did not decrease much if any at all in most Asian countries. In recent months, in addition to the spectacular run up …

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Charts from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2009

Yesterday crude oil prices settled at $77.43 on the New York Mercantile Exchange. After rising for many months this year, oil prices are stabilizing or falling due to the increasing unemployment levels. The price of natural gas for December delivery closed at $4.595 per 1,000 cubic feet. When oil prices rose to almost $150 per …

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