How Costly are Financial Crises?

Financial crises are very costly according to an article in the latest edition Finance and Development magazine of the IMF. Financial crises occur more frequently in emerging countries than developed countries.Between 1972 and 2007 emerging markets have been hit with more currency crises than banking and debt crises. Developed countries have had virtually no debt …

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Knowledge is Power: The Black Swan Edition

It’s you and me, and everyone else gathered last night at the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong to receive his lecture on why the financial crisis is far from over.Nassim Nicholas Taleb points to the black swan So far, Germany’s auto industry has escaped massive job losses, but major cuts could soon be on the …

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Three Nasdaq-listed Argentina ADRs

Argentina is the second largest country in South America after Brazil. It is classified as a upper-middle income market by the World Bank. Like Brazil, Argentina is blessed with an abundance of natural resources. Agriculture is one of the main export sectors. Argentina had been plagued with financial crisis for many years. From the Wikipedia: …

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Tier 1 Capital Ratios and NPAs of Unofficial Problem Banks in the U.S.

We reviewed the Tier 1 Capital Ratios of large U.S. banks back in June. In this post, lets take a look at the Tier 1 Capital Ratios and Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of some of the banks from the Unofficial Problem Banks list created by Calculated Risk. CR compiled this list from various press releases from …

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