The Top 25 U.S. Bank Holding Companies With Highest Insurance Income

Insurance income is one of different types of income in the noninterest income portion of a bank’s revenues. For some banks services charges which include overdraft charges can be very high. For others insurance income may be the highest of all noninterest income. On July 18th, I listed the Top 50 bank holding companies ranked …

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Five U.S. Banks With High Levels of Service Charge Income

As the Federal Reserve plans to implement new rules to regulate  banks’ service charges, an article titled TCF Risks Backdraft on Overdraft Fees today in the Journal mentioned five banks that have had high levels of service charges as a percentage of noninterest income. In this post, lets take a look some of the fees …

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The Best Internet Banks in North America 2009

Wells Fargo Bank (WFC) and CIBC (CM) have been named the Best Internet Banks for U.S. and Canada respectively for 2009 by Global Finance magazine. The winners were selected based on the following criteria: “strength of strategy for attracting and servicing online customers, success in getting clients to use web offerings, growth of online customers, …

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Lost Value of Equities in U.S. State and Local Government Pension Plans = $1 Trillion

In the U.S., the pension plans of state and local governments have a large portion of their assets in equities. Due to this high exposure to equities, the plans suffered severe losses as the markets fell hard until March this year. The average asset allocation of U.S. Define Benefit (DB) plan has 60% in equities, …

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