Knowledge is Power: Nouriel Roubini on Insolvent Banks Edition

1.As I write this, the Federal Reserve has announced a huge new program to buy various kinds of debt designed to lower interest rates for home mortgages and other loans (such as securitized consumer loans). This action is another major step in the new era of the proactive Fed that puts large amounts of “Fed-created” …

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Canada: Latest Exports Data Shows Improvement

As a resource-rich country, the Canada is heavily dependent exports.Canada exports majority of its natural resources and finished products to USA, its major trading partner.In order to analyze the latest export figures, I reviewed the “Export Instant Insight” report published by Export Development Canada (EDC). The following are some of the key points in the …

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Knowledge is Power: Red Budget Edition

 1.Banks are indispensable for a working economy; badly-run banks ignoring sound banking principles are not. What is needed in a depression is not more central bank money for distressed banks but government deficit money to sustain full employment with living wages. – Henry C K Liu The burden of elitism 2.HONG KONG – Although Mao …

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Knowledge is Power: Thatcher – Founder of Modern Britain Edition

1.Charles Dumas says things in the United States are moving roughly in the right direction; pity about China. Economist disappointed to find he’s not that gloomy 2.The Soviets dubbed her the “Iron Lady,” US President Ronald Reagan called her “England’s best man” — 30 years ago Margaret Thatcher was elected prime minister of Britain. It …

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