Many Japan ADRs Are Up This Month Despite Export Plunge

The Japanese economy is a heavily export-drive economy. Japan imports raw materials such as iron ore, copper and other resources and makes many finished products using them for export. This was highly profitable to the Japanese as the world loved their products. however the demand for many Japanese products such as automobiles, consumer electronics, etc. …

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Knowledge is Power: Boom to Bust Edition

1. While oil prices skyrocketed, Russia was flooded with cash. But with sinking prices and the economic crisis, hopes are diminishing and tensions are rising in this recently robust industrial city that finds itself grinding to a halt.A Russian City Goes from Boom to Gloom 2.Can 1,000 professors be wrong? That’s how many were asked …

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The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns for 2008

Callan Associates, famous for its Periodic Table of Investment Returns also called the Callan Charts, has published the chart for 2008. Some key points from last year’s chart: The US markets performed better than the international developed markets While the S&P was down 37%, the MSCI EAFE Index which measures the developed markets of Europe, …

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