How High Will The US Personal Savings Rate Go?

The personal savings rate in the US has been going up in the past few months. This has implications for the economy as the consumption rate decreases. Since consumption forms a major portion of our GDP it pays to keep a close on the savings rate. The New York Times published an article titled “Consumers …

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Top Five US Bank Stocks To Invest In Now

Last year the financials in the S&P 500 Index was the worst performing sector with a loss of 56.95% compared to the index return of -38.49%. Some banks fared even worse or failed. Others such as National City, Wachovia, merged with much larger banks to survive. Large banks such as Citibank(C), Bank of America(BOA), Chase …

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BRICs: Time To Take a Fresh Perspective?

The acronym BRICs refers to the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, China and India. It was coined by Goldman Sachs in 2001. Today The Financial Times had a piece titled “S&P; calls for Brics break-up“. The gist of S&P;’s call was that these countries should not be grouped together now as a single asset class …

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