Foreign Utilities List with Current Yields

During bear markets utility stocks used to be provide shelter for investors since they were considered to be stable, slow-growth and conservative investments. However that has changed in the past few years. These days they do not seem to offer the much-desired stability and protection that they were once known for. This is evident in …

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Nine Nordic ADR Stocks

The Nordic countries include Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland in Northern Europe. These are called as Nordic countries because they share a common history, cultural and political systems. Scandinavia is sometimes used as a synonym for Nordic countries. Except Iceland, the other four countries have some of their company stocks listed in the US …

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ABN AMRO Holding NV ADR Terminated

ABN AMRO ADR, which used to traded on the OTC market with ticker ABNYY, has been terminated effective yesterday November 24,2008. In April of this year ABN Amro de-listed its stock from New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) since a consortium of banks led by Fortis (Holland), Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS -UK) and Banco Santander …

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