One Dutch One British ADR

Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (PHG) from Holland and Tomkins plc (TKS) from the UK are two industrial stocks from the S&P; ADR Index. Philips Electronics (PHG) is mainly a consumer electronics maker. The company is known worldwide for light bulbs, radio, televisions and other devices. Philips also makes many high-end devices for the medical industry. …

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Hi Dividend Yield, Hi Dividend Growth Rate Foreign Stocks

For the long-term investor looking for dividend stocks in this market there are plenty of opportunities at attractive prices. Financials is one of the worst affected sectors due to the sub-prime crisis. Some of these financial stocks have fallen over 50% since past October. However in my opinion some of the European banks have become …

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Honda, Toyota, Hitachi and Matsushita ADR Stocks

Some of the world famous Japanese company stocks like Honda, Toyota, Hitachi and Matsushita have held up well in this bear market. Except Honda the other three are down year to date with Toyota in double digits. 1. Honda Motor Co Ltd – HMC Honda, the world famous auto maker, has a dividend yield of …

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